Core Identities of a Disciple of Jesus

Core Identities of a Disciple of Jesus

A mature, gospel-centered disciple is someone who lives like the death and resurrection of Jesus is true. At Rock Hill, we summarize what this life looks like through 6 core identities. These are the values of our church and the marks of a maturing Christian.


Our goal is for every disciple of Jesus to intentionally and joyfully worship God in every area of life.

We desire to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength in every area of life. We desire to express this love with God-centered worship in a way that exults the name and beauty of Christ. There is a vibrant personal intimacy with the Lord that impacts all of life. We no longer think in terms of sacred and secular but life wholly integrated lives of worship.


Our goal is for every disciple of Jesus to live in authentic Biblical community that feels like family.

Our shared life together and love for one another as the family of God should demand a gospel explanation. We are actively trying to live out the 30 one another commands of the New Testament in a local church community, not just applying them to the church universal.


Our goal is for every disciple of Jesus to embrace servanthood as a way of life.

Jesus came not to be served, but to serve, showing us the way to truly live. This means we now view all of our lives through the lens of a steward rather than an owner (Time, Talent, Treasure). We are not our own, but have been bought with a price, therefore my life is now defined by serving God and others.


Our goal is for every disciple of Jesus to share the good news in word and deed as a witness.

We are to declare with our words and demonstrate through acts of love and mercy the Gospel of Jesus. We joyfully embrace the task God has given us to make Jesus known to those in our lives.


Our goal is for prayer to be central to the spiritual life of every disciple of Jesus.

This means a commitment to pray for our church, our leaders, and those in our lives who do not know Jesus Christ with urgency and expectancy.


Our goal is for every disciple of Jesus to embrace a life of continual growth and learning.

Christians should never stop learning and growing. We will spend the rest of our life becoming who we are in Christ through resting in the gospel and striving toward godliness. Our lives are characterized by a humble confidence as we seek to continually become who we are in Christ.

Our Member Covenant

Church membership isn’t about belonging to a club — it’s about being a faithful disciple of Jesus and taking responsibility for the health and growth of His church.

We tie our membership process to these 6 Core Identities so that those who enter membership should have a clear understanding of the expectations and goals for a maturing disciple of Jesus.