The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
Psalm 19:1-2
Get Away and Gather Together
The Rock Hill Retreat is a campground owned by our church that is available as a retreat or gathering space. We hope that it can be a place where you, your family, or your City Group can break the pattern of hurry in your daily life and find rhythms of peace and rest.
9067 Eagles Club Rd
Alborn, MN 55702
(45 min. outside Duluth)
Natural Spaces
15 acres next to Aerie Lake
Big open field
Wooded areas
Cabin 1 (sleeps 6)
Cabin 2 (sleeps 4)
RV Hookup
Boat Launch
Canoes (2) and rowboats (2)
Pedal Boat
Find Rest for Your Body and Soul
The Rock Hill Retreat is a place for both solitude and gathering. It's a space to disconnect from distractions, and it's a space to connect with your closest friends. Whether you want to spend some intentional time alone or you want to celebrate with your community, the Rock Hill Retreat is a tool to help our church live in a counter-cultural, gospel-centered way.

Escape the Noise
You step out of the car, and that’s when you first notice it. Stillness. A breeze gently pushes through the trees, and you take a deep breath.
In a culture where everyone is busy and schedules are full, we know that it takes effort to break out of our hurried routines. The Rock Hill Retreat is where the noise of life can fade away as you camp under the stars, paddle a canoe across the lake, or just relax beside a campfire.

Gather, Celebrate, Connect
You look around at your favorite people as you celebrate and rejoice together. Good food. Good friends. Good gifts from God.
Whether it’s a City Group camping trip, a retreat with your spouse, or a baptism to celebrate new life in Christ, the Rock Hill Retreat is available for your community. The lodge space can fit 50-60 people and includes a kitchen. The boat launch and swimming area are ideal for fun on the water.

Solitude Amidst Nature
In this moment of solitude beside the lake, you’ve never felt so connected to the presence of God. Your heart begins to settle in peace and trust.
Jesus regularly retreated to the wilderness to spend time alone with his Father and the Spirit, and it’s often in these quiet, natural spaces where we can find a renewed sense of God’s presence. The Rock Hill Retreat is where you can connect your mind, body, and soul with the good Creator.

Blueprint Your Future
Finally, you find undistracted, uninterrupted, unhurried time to look at the big picture of your life. Where is God leading you in the future?
So often we move from one moment to the next without any reflection on the past, present, or future. The Rock Hill Retreat can be a place where you dedicate time to long-term planning and think about not just the urgent things but also about the most important things of life.
Want to reserve this space?
A full list of amenities can be found by following the link below.