And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
Luke 24:27
The Thread: Following Jesus Through the Bible
The Bible is a collection of 66 scrolls (or “books”) that all point to one person: Jesus Christ. The Bible contains many different kinds of literature, from narratives to poems to prophecies to parables to songs to proverbs and more. Despite the diversity of its parts, the Bible forms the foundation of the Christian faith through its unified story.
This sermon series is meant to help us read the Bible and understand it. We focused on one book of the Bible each week, from Genesis to Revelation. Along the way, we took a look at the unique features of individual books as well as explore how the books all point to Jesus. Join us for this journey as we follow the thread of the biblical story, the greatest story ever told!
We got the idea for this sermon series from our friends at Riverview Church in Lansing, MI. They graciously gave us permission to use their materials.