Practicing the Way

"Come, and follow me."

Two thousand years ago, Jesus said to his disciples, “follow me.” But what does it mean for us to follow Jesus today? How can we adopt not just the teaching but the practices from Jesus’ own life? Practicing the Way, a non-profit founded by John Mark Comer, teaches us how we can open up our entire being to God and allow him to transform us into people of love.

How to Get Started

Practicing the Way has a lot of resources to help you on your spiritual journey, so here is our recommended pathway for getting the most of it.

Step 1: Take the Spiritual Health Reflection

The Spiritual Health Reflection is designed to help you gauge your inner life with God and name Jesus’ invitations to you — not just once, but over time, as you track your formation journey. This tool is free and is a companion tool to the Practicing the Way Course.

Step 2: Take the Course

The Practicing the Way Course is made up of eight interactive sessions designed to lay the foundation for a lifelong journey with Jesus. The Course includes instructions on crafting your own Rule of Life to help you slow down, enjoy God, and become a person of love.

Step 3: Practice

Practicing the Way offers four-week guides for each of their nine core practices that can help you form a Rule of Life for the modern era. Each session includes teaching, guided discussion,
 a free workbook with prompt questions, and exercises to integrate the practices into daily life.

Step 4: Rule of Life Builder

Wherever you are in your discipleship journey, Practicing the Way created a tool help you craft a set of habits and rhythms patterned after Jesus. It allows you to drag and drop spiritual disciplines, relational rhythms, and customized habits into a personal plan of daily, weekly, and monthly practices designed for your individual makeup and stage of life.

In Critique and Defense of John Mark Comer

Pastor Mike wrote a thoughtful essay on John Mark Comer's ministry, which has both unhelpful aspects as well as rich, meaningful value for our apprenticeship to Jesus.

Questions about Practicing the Way?